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Paned â Durre Shahwar & Christopher Lloyd

Mai 9 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

English: Photos of Christopher Lloyd and Durre Shahwar on a blue background, alongside covers for their books, ‘Pick Up Your Feelings’ and ‘Gathering: Women of Colour on Nature’, respectively. Included is information about the event: location (The Queer Emporium), the start timetime (19:00), price (£5.00) and the date (09/05/2024). Posted below the photos and information are the logos of Paned o Gê a’r Queer Emporium.

Dathlwch dau gasgliad arbennig yn The Queer Emporium gyda’r bobl tu ôl iddyn nhw! Bydd Durre Shahwar, golygydd Gathering: Women of Colour on Nature, a Christopher Lloyd, bardd a chreüwyd y casgliad barddoniaeth Pick Up Your Feelings, yn darllen darnau o’i waith ac yn ateb cwestiynau amdanyn nhw!


Mai 9
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


The Queer Emporium
2-4 Royal Arcade
Cardiff,CF10 1AEUnited Kingdom
+ Google Map